Ducks are remarkable creatures. They fly, they swim, they quack, and they mate. They are a common sight in ponds, rivers, and lakes, and are known for their beautiful colors and playful nature. But have you ever wondered what a group of ducks is called? If you’re an avid bird watcher, you probably know the answer, but for those who don’t, this article will reveal the truth.

At Happy Birding, we strive to provide our readers with the best bird watching experience possible. That’s why we believe it’s important to know what to call a group of ducks when you spot them in the wild. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of ducks and their group names.
The Different Names for a Group of Ducks
Ducks are social animals, and they tend to gather in groups, especially during migration season. But what do you call a group of ducks? Here are some of the terms used to refer to a group of ducks:
This is the most common term used to refer to a group of ducks. A flock can consist of a few ducks or many hundreds, and they usually stick together for safety and companionship.
This term is more commonly used to refer to a group of ducks that are in flight. A brace of ducks can also refer to a pair of ducks that are mated.
All Collective Nouns for Ducks
- Paddling
- Raft
- Sord
- Skein
- Waddling
- Flush
- Plump
- Bunch
- Clump
- Company
- Congregation
- Drift
- Flight
- Flock
- Gam
- Herd
- Knot
- Mob
- Party
- Pinion
- Puddle
- Safe
- Spring
- String
- Swirl
- Trip
- Wedge
- Whack
The Origin of Group Names for Ducks
Now that you know what to call a group of ducks, you might be wondering where these terms came from. It turns out that the names are rooted in history and tradition. For example, the term “flock” comes from the Old English word “floc,” which means a group of animals. The term “brace” comes from the French word “brace,” which means a pair. The term “team” comes from the Dutch word “tam,” which means domesticated.

What is a Group of Baby Ducks Called?
Certainly! A group of baby ducks is usually called a “brood” or a “clutch”. These terms refer to a group of ducklings that are born and raised together by the same mother duck. A brood can consist of just a few ducklings or many more, depending on the species of duck and the size of the mother’s clutch.
The term “brood” comes from the Old English word “brod”, which means a group of young birds hatched at the same time. This term is also used to refer to a family or offspring of animals, such as a brood of chickens or a brood of chicks.
The term “clutch” is used to refer to a group of eggs that are laid by a single mother duck. The number of eggs in a clutch can vary depending on the species of duck, but it is typically between 6 and 12. Once the eggs hatch, the ducklings form a brood and are cared for by the mother duck.
It’s important to note that baby ducks are often more vulnerable than adult ducks and require extra care and protection. Mother ducks will often stay close to their brood to protect them from predators and other dangers. As the ducklings grow older and become more independent, they may leave the brood and join other groups of ducks.
Here is a list of soe more collective nouns to call a group of baby ducks!
- Duckling
- Flapper
- Fuzzy
- Nestling
- Puddling
- Quacker
- Sprite
- Sprig
- Waddler
- Yellowling
Do Ducks Migrate Together?
Ducks are known for their seasonal migration, which is the movement of birds from one location to another in search of food, breeding grounds, or milder climates. But do ducks migrate together? The answer is yes. Ducks are social animals, and they tend to migrate in flocks for safety and companionship. The flocks can consist of hundreds or even thousands of ducks, and they usually follow a leader.
Do Ducks Flock Together in Groups?
Ducks are social animals and tend to stick together in groups. The size of the group depends on the type of duck and the season. During breeding season, ducks usually pair up and form a smaller group. During migration season, they tend to form larger flocks for safety and companionship. Some ducks are more social than others and tend to form larger flocks year-round.
What Is a Pair of Ducks Called?
In addition to knowing what to call a group of ducks, it’s also important to know what to call a pair of ducks. A pair of ducks is called a “brace.” This term can also refer to two ducks that are mated. The term “brace” is commonly used in hunting circles to describe a pair of ducks that are in flight together. When hunting, hunters try to lure ducks in by using decoys and calls, and a pair of ducks flying in together is known as a “brace.”

The Significance of Naming Groups of Animals
Naming groups of animals might seem trivial, but it actually serves an important purpose. It helps us identify and communicate about them more effectively. For example, if you see a flock of ducks in the wild, you can use that term to describe what you saw to others. This makes it easier for other bird watchers to know what you’re talking about and where to look for the birds.

James has always been an avid outdoorsman. Since a kid, he kept a journal of all the different birds and species he saw. Now he wants to share his passion with other birders with Happy Birding!