Can Birds Eat Bananas?

green parrot eating bananas from a tree

Yes, most backyard birds can eat bananas. Bananas are among the healthiest foods you can feed backyard birds because they’re full of nutrition.

However, before you start putting your extra bananas outside, we’ll take a closer look at the benefits of feeding birds bananas and how to prepare bananas for them.

We’ll also look at: 

  • Are bananas safe for birds?
  • Benefits of bananas for birds
  • Can birds eat banana peels?
  • How to prepare bananas for birds
  • What to avoid when feeding birds bananas

Finally, we’ll look at which species of birds we’ve seen eating bananas and whether you can feed birds dried bananas, banana bread, and banana chips.

Are Bananas Safe for Birds?

Yes, bananas are safe for birds. The majority of backyard birds particularly enjoy the soft texture and the taste of them, and they come with some excellent health benefits for them too. We’ll explore those health benefits further down below.

However, first, we want to detail some backyard birds we’ve seen eating bananas. We’ll also highlight some of the primary characteristics of these birds, so you can identify them in your back garden and properly prepare your bananas for them. 

Birds Species That We’ve Seen Eating Bananas

How to Recognize Them


What Else to Feed them 

Gray Catbird

Gray Catbird on the forest floor

You can recognize gray catbirds by their predominantly gray color.

However, they also have black tails, and black marks on their head.

Gray catbirds are native to North and Central America.





Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager in tree singing

To recognize adult male Scarlet Tanagers, look for their bright red colors and black wings.

Females are yellow, with a darker color on their wings — but not quite as darkly colored as the male!

You can find Scarlet Tanagers in the eastern parts of North America. 


Sumac berries



Starling sitting in tree

If not for their loud noises, you can recognize Starlings by their bright yellow beak and iridescent colors.

You can spot Starlings in New York and most of North America despite them being known as European Starlings.

Fun Fact: Starlings were introduced to New York by Shakespeare fans in the 1800s because they were mentioned in Henry IV, Act I. 




Old World Bonus: Pied Flycatchers

two Pied Flycatchers sitting on a stick

You can recognize pied flycatchers by their small size. Look for deep black colors, and patches of white.

Females will have
a more brown or gray hue

You’ll have to travel abroad to the UK to see a Pied flycatcher.

Pied flycatchers can be found in the Western parts of the UK. Wales, in particular. 

Pied flycatchers mostly eat insects, but when hovering and looking for bugs, we’ve seen them go for berries and fruits, too.

Can Budgies Eat Bananas?

Yes, budgies can eat bananas! If you have budgies, you can feed them bananas, too. They’re the perfect treat when given to them in moderation. 

Benefits of Bananas for Birds

To understand the benefits bananas have for birds, you need to know the ingredients that bananas contain. 

Bananas are excellent sources of:

  • Dietary Fiber — Mayo clinic suggests that humans eat more fiber, and it’s no different for birds. Birds with a high-fiber diet enjoy a much healthier digestive system and better blood sugar levels.
  • Potassium — Potassium comes with various benefits for birds. Notably, it has a positive impact on their heart health. However, it’s good for their muscles too.
  • Carbohydrates — Carbohydrates give birds glucose, which is good for both energy and helping them to generate heat. It’s one of their primary energy sources, so a diet rich in carbs is good for a backyard bird.
  • Magnesium — Magnesium is another essential mineral that helps keep a bird’s brain digestive, reproductive, and nerve health in top shape.
  • Vitamin C — A vast majority of birds can produce their own Vitamin C, so they don’t need it in their diet. However, it will benefit a bird suffering from liver disease.

Can Birds Eat Banana Peels?

You should not feed birds banana peels. Most banana peels have been treated with pesticides. 

Unfortunately, the residue of that pesticide may remain on the peel. These pesticides can harm a bird’s fertility and its ability to hatch eggs. They even affect birds’ weight, too. 

The best way to prepare bananas for backyard birds is to peel them and follow the steps below. 

How to Prepare Bananas for Birds

Preparing bananas for birds is quite simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Peel the banana. 
  2. Cut the banana lengthways.
  3. Skewer each half of the banana and hang the skewered halves outside. (Optional)
  4. Alternatively, chop the banana into smaller pieces, and place the pieces in a bird food holder outside.

What to Avoid with Feeding Birds Bananas

Avoid giving birds unripened bananas. Unfortunately, birds will struggle to digest them. Similarly, if the banana is starting to spoil, you want to avoid giving it to birds, too — as it will have lost some of its nutritional value.  

You also want to avoid giving birds banana bread. Banana bread contains sugar, which in the wrong amount can cause birds serious health problems—including diabetes mellitus.

That being said, you CAN give birds banana chips if they contain no preservatives. Always check the packaging label first, or buy banana chips specifically made for birds. You can also give birds dried bananas, but only in small amounts.

Make the Right Food Choices for Birds

Whether you’re an experienced or beginner birdwatcher, knowing what foods to put in your garden can be a massive step towards attracting different bird species. For example, have you ever wondered whether birds can eat butterflies or raisins? Check out our blog pages to learn all the answers and more. 

If you have a specific question, feel free to get in touch, too.